Saturday, August 14, 2010

Healing Properties of HENNA

The bark of the plant is very effective in the treatment of dysentery. The seeds are powdered, mixed with ghee and made into small balls and then taken with water.
The bark of the plant is very effective in the treatment of liver disorders like Jaundice and enlargement of the lover Henna can be consumed in powdered from 1 to 5 decigrams doses or it can be take in decoction from 30 to 50 grams doses to cure liver disorders.
Using mustard oil boiled with Henna leaves helps healthy hair growth. 250 grams of mustard oil is boiled in a pan. Some 50 to 60 grams of Henna leaves added gradually to the oil and heated the oil is then filtered through a cloth and stored in a bottle. Regular massage with this oil produces abundant hair.
Henna leaves are beneficial in the treatment of prickly heat. The leaves ground with water are applied over the affected area.
Henna flower cures headaches caused by the heat of the sun. A plaster made of Henna flower in vinegar and applied over the forehead relieves the headaches.
Paste of Henna leaves, applied on soles eliminates this burning sensation.
In the treatment of skin disorders like boils & burns Henna leaves are very effective. Parts coarsely ground Henna applied on the affected parts cures the disorders it can be applied beneficially in rhematic joints, inflammatory swelling, bruises & leprosy.
Lady's ailments such as excessive menstruation, vaginal discharge and leucorrhoea or excessive white discharge, can be beneficially cured by placing pads or suppositories made of the leaves or seeds of Henna.
Other Uses of henna
Spermatorrhoea or involuntary ejaculation: - The juice of fresh Henna leaves is very helpful in curing the above complaints is given in doses of 8 to 16 grams

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