Water is gift of my ALLAH the great.
Drinking Water is Miracle For All Diseases.
Insha Allah:
Drink Water to prevent & treat Joints Pain, Arthritis, Low Back Pain because these are signs of water shortage.
Drink Water to prevent & treat High level of Cholesterol
Drink water daily and to begin by taking 2-cups of water exactly 30 minutes before every meal. Walk, twice a day, an hour in the morning and evening for three months to avoid Bypass surgery.
Drink Water to prevent & treat Heart Disease
Water is essential to help prevent of arteries' clotting, the heart and brain.
Drink Water to prevent & treat Hypertension
Water is very important in treating it without using medicine.
Drink Water to prevent & treat Brain Damage
In shortage of water the brain may not function properly, and Lack of energy, Attention Deficit, Depression, Sleep Disorders may occur. Averagely, the human brain weighs about 1400 grams; estimately the brain consists of 85% water, because it is extremely sensitive to water loss. It is suggested that the brain cannot tolerate even 01% deficiency of water.
Drink Water to prevent & treat Cancer
Water normalizes the blood-manufacturing system that may aid in the prevention of many kinds of cancer.
Drink Water to prevent & treat Weight Loss
Water makes your metabolism to burn calories 03% faster by drinking 500 ml of water (about a pint) for about 30 minutes. In that time they burned an extra 25 calories. The extra calorie-burn would be about 100 calories a day if drinking 2 liters more than usual.
Drink Water to prevent and treat Depression
Water helps the body naturally replenish its supply of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
Drink Water to prevent and treat Sleep disorders
Water is needed for the production of nature's sleep regulator.
Drink Water to prevent and treat Lack of energy
Water is generator of electrical and magnetic energy in every body cell, provider of a natural.
Drink Water to prevent and treat Deficit of Attention
A well-watered brain is continually energizer to imprint new information in its memory banks.
Drink Water for Skin health
Water keeps your skin healthy.
Drink Water for Eye health
Our cornea is 80% water. Working long hours on the computer makes the eyes dry. Just closing the eyes for a few seconds every hour and blinking frequently requirs liquid, drink water for Eye health.
Drink Water to Relieve Headache and Back Pains
Water Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although there are many other reasons contribute to headache, lack of water is the common one.
Drink Water to Regulate your Body Temperature
You’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises, Water helps to fuel your muscle.
Drink Water to Help in Constipation & Digestion
Drinking water increases your metabolism because it helps in digestion & constipation.
Drink Water for Less Cramps and Sprains
Proper drinking Water is lubricator of joints and muscles.
Drink Water to Lessen to Get Sick and Feel Healthy
Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments & diseases like kidney stones and heart attack other ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems etc.
Enjoy Drinking water
*** 8-10 cups per day is a beginning. More exacting is to drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces. But it depends on your kind of activity and the temperature of place you work or spend you time.
*** Consider the quality of water. Tap-water may has some toxins i.e. chlorine. The chlorine alone increases one's chances to get cancer by 90-95%.
*** Water is very important element to all the vital functions of your body.
*** Water diminish the risk of so many health upshots people face, especially cancer. bladder, breast, colon and kidney. And may occur together with raw foods and cleansing, it's a natural cancer cure. • Frequent drink water that must boost your energy levels,immune system and mental sharpness, recovery from injuries, increase sexual performance.
Water is the soul of life and is needed by every body-cell. Your body consists of about 60%-70% water. Water is engaged in almost every body-functions for example circulation, digestion, absorption etc. The amount to drink water varies from person to person according to size, climate, diet and activity levels.
Important Tips
If you are not drinking any water at the moment then take it slow & gradually by adding in more and more daily until you reach the recommended two liters. If you start to drink two liters forthwith, from not drinking enough, you feel unwell as your body will go immediately releasing lots of toxins that will make you feel unwell. Take small steps and build up to two litres gradually, that way the body will not become shocked.
On feeling hungry drink some water 15 minutes before eating!
Kidney problems sufferers need to be limited and should follow their doctor’s recommendations with correct sodium intake. One potential but rare side effect of fluid intake can be hypothermia in which electrolytes become imbalanced.
Always seek advice from your doctor before trying any new diet or changing eating/drinking habits!
Look Younger with Healthier Skin
You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increase skin elasticity.
Tips for drinking water:
Spread the water out evenly throughout the day. If the amount of water is 80 ounces, spread the water out by drinking one 10-ounce glass every hour for eight hours, which is about drinking 8 glasses of water per day. For exercise, drink 1-2 cup of water 30 minutes before exercise. It helps to replenish the fluid loss and fuel the muscle during the exercise.
Its has been proved that the endless list of miracles are taken care of if you were to drink 6 glasses of water (1.5 liters) everyday even before you had your first beverage in the morning. Without spending on medicines, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor's fees, etc., just by drinking pure water, you could prevent and treat diseases.
By Water, you may prevent; and speedily recover from injuries as mentioned below:
01. Hyper acidity
02. Anemia
03. Arthritis
04. Asthma
05. Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension
06. Bronchitis
07. Constipation
08. Dysentery
19. Eye diseases
10. Gas
11. Headache
12. Kidney stones
13. Obesity
14. Ophthalmic
15. Paralysis
16. Rheumatism
17. TB
And the list has No End..
Diseases like the ones that are enlisted below can be cured within the indicated time span:
*** Constipation 1 day,
*** Acidity 2 days,
*** Diabetes 7 days,
*** BP & Hypertension 4 weeks,
*** Cancer 4 weeks,
*** TB 3 months.